Making Sustainable living fun and easy
by covering positive choices & promoting healthier ways of living
Established April 6, 2012
We want you to ask questions about the clothes you wear, the food you eat, the products you use in your home, on your skin and everything in between. There’s a climate change, our world is expanding, and a major shift in consciousness all at the same time. The moment we step out of bed we make decisions that impact the global climate, the people around us, and our internal health and wellness.
We don’t get enough, or maybe too much sleep. We don’t understand the importance of meditation or deep breathing. We dress and rarely think about where our clothes come from. We go on with our regular routine not aware of the chemicals we expose ourselves to, the harm they do to us or the environment. We eat and rarely think about where our food came from, or how it was prepared. How long can we live like this without change?
Our mission is to give our readers fundamental tools for efficient sustainable living. Being socially responsible doesn't have to be expensive, boring, difficult, and it doesn't have to be someone else's problem. We can create sustainability in our everyday lives to collectively create a more stable world for our future. The time to act is right now, our environment can’t wait and our future can not afford our negligence.
Read and share our articles let's discuss problems and solutions collectively.
You either have to be part of the solution, or you're going to be part of the problem.”
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