Both of my patellas are worn in my knees. Considering my doctor first discovered this at a younger age, I was too young for surgery so he suggested I swim and cycle more. A study conducted recently found that older patients with osteoarthritis and knee pain actually improved their condition when introduced to cycling.
Keep your blood pressure low
A daily active regimen involving biking, makes a person 31-percent less likely to develop high blood pressure.
Weight loss
Losing weight is one of the biggest benefits of cycling. DUH, your burning calories while getting around. Talk about multi-tasking.
Defend from Cancer
It goes without saying, that a regular rigorous exercise regimen, along with a healthy diet, and maintaining a healthy weight will help you fight cancer. Those with a higher fitness level as they approached middle age were at a lower risk for lung and colorectal cancer. A cycle a day will help keep cancer away.
Better Mood
After any type of exercise or hard work, your body releases “feel good” hormones, that make you feel good about your willpower and accomplishment. Go ahead and pack yourself on the back for your efforts.
Commute Green
If you want to ride every day but are strapped for time, one of the most logical ways to fit it into your schedule is making it part of your commute. “Cycling can be easily integrated into daily life, unlike gym workouts,” Unless you have a gym in your job, or in your building, you must allocate time and typically go out of your way for the gym. Biking again is a great way to multitask getting around and working out.
Quicker Commute
With only 2 wheels it’s a lot easier to get through lanes and take detours, therefore, avoiding traffic and rush hour.
Sustainable Life (Longevity)
Cycling helps even when you’re getting older. I believe this is the main form of physical therapy for the elderly. A study conducted in Norway followed a group of elderly men in the 70’s to 80’s, they discovered just working out 30 minutes a day extended their longevity by five years. This was compared to men who did no physical activity.
Consider buy, renting, or sharing a bike. Of course, Bike sharing can be more cost, and eco-friendly. There are many used bikes floating around looking for new owners. Seek these options first before buying a new cycle. If you don’t know anything about bikes, volunteer to fix some, and learn more.
Check out: Recycle a Bicycle
Volunteer Night- Long Island City: Join us on Thursdays from 6:00-8:00pm in our LIC workshop for our weekly volunteer night! Lend a hand, meet others, and learn basic bike mechanics, free of charge. No previous experience necessary! All are welcome!
For more information or to schedule a volunteer event, please send an inquiry to director@recycleabicycle.org