What Scallions Can Do for Your Health Your grocer might label them as green onions. Scallions are an allium (Latin for “garlic”) vegetables. I use them as a suitable onion replacement. Their pungent relatives include onions, leeks, shallots, and chives. Cooks worldwide toss scallions into many Asian style dishes that needs a punch of flavor, but…
Category: Spices
Warning! You may want to talk to your doctor before using a natural remedy to treat a serious illness. Since we can remember, man has looked to nature to cure poor health. Within the last decade notably, herbs have made their way into thought culture with the recognition of plant medicines resembling ayahuasca, ibogaine, and cannabis in the headlines for their powerful abilities to heal the most prominent diseases. However, these plant remedies can…
Licorice Root Benefits Licorice root contains many anti-depressant compounds and is an excellent alternative to St. John’s Wort. As a herbal medicine, it has an impressive list of well-documented uses and is probably one of the most over-looked of all herbal wonders. Hundreds of potentially healing substances have been identified in licorice as well, including…
Black garlic has long been prized by Asians for its health benefits, but it became widely available in Western markets only a few years ago. Developed in Korea, black garlic has gained popularity among Western foodies for several years now, but it has recently caught the eye of the health-minded due to studies revealing its…
Fragrant, impactful and fiery, ginger includes a unique flavor and pizzazz to Asian-style stir fries and many vegetable and fruit dishes. Crisp ginger root is accessible year round in the produce area of your nearby market. Personally, it’s a favorite, and most used ingredient in my dishes. I also use it in teas, and with my morning juicing. …