Get ready to explore a seriously fascinating topic today – Date Syrup. This isn’t just your run-of-the-mill sweetener; it’s a natural wonder that brings both flavor and health benefits to the table. We’re diving deep into why dates are impressive, what sets this syrup apart, and how I’m incorporating it seamlessly into my daily routine…
Category: Natural Antioxidants
The spider plant #Chlorophytumcomosum is considered one of the most adaptable of houseplants and the easiest to grow. While mostly used in containers or hanging baskets, they can be planted directly in the ground. When planting in a garden or flower bed, they need to be sheltered from direct sunlight. This plant can grow…
Warning! You may want to talk to your doctor before using a natural remedy to treat a serious illness. Since we can remember, man has looked to nature to cure poor health. Within the last decade notably, herbs have made their way into thought culture with the recognition of plant medicines resembling ayahuasca, ibogaine, and cannabis in the headlines for their powerful abilities to heal the most prominent diseases. However, these plant remedies can…
One of our biggest issues as humans is our consumption of sugar or our addiction. On average we consume way too much sugar daily. Some great alternatives to help curve the habit, with moderation is maple syrup. Maple syrup was produced way before European settlers came to America. It holds cultural significance to many aboriginals…
When life hands you lemons, appreciate them, They are very good for you. Lemons though acidic to the taste, but do the opposite in the body. They actually are alkaline-forming to the body. Lemons are in fact the highest alkaline-forming food and are great at keeping the bodies PH level balanced. Because of their antibacterial properties,…
Hemp typically found in the northern hemisphere is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown specifically for the industrial uses of its derived products. Some Uses for Hemp Paper products Food Textiles Plastics Medicines Essential Oils Nutritional Supplements Livestock Bedding Fuel Livestock Feed Construction Personal and Body Care Products …
Though they are native to Asia, Bananas grow in much warmer parts of the world. They are part of the berry family, contain a fair amount of fiber and antioxidants, help you lose weight, reduce bloat, fight cancer and increase your energy, all for just 19 cents a piece. At least that’s what they are…
Black garlic has long been prized by Asians for its health benefits, but it became widely available in Western markets only a few years ago. Developed in Korea, black garlic has gained popularity among Western foodies for several years now, but it has recently caught the eye of the health-minded due to studies revealing its…
Designed specifically for bacterial infections, antibiotics are medical doctors’ favorite tools against most issues that walk into their offices. But oregano oil benefits are proving to be superior to some antibiotics, without the harmful side effects. Unfortunately, the antibiotics prescribed by most medical doctors today have horrendous side effects including: causing antibiotic resistance,…
It may be the trendiest health food around at the moment, but are you throwing away the healthiest part of your avocado? While many are quick to just ditch the seed, it actually has more antioxidants in it than most fruit and vegetables. It also has more soluble fibre than oats and…