Exploring Natural Sweeteners : Maple Syrup

December 17, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

One of our biggest issues as humans is our consumption of sugar or our addiction. On average we consume way too much sugar daily. Some great alternatives to help curve the habit, with moderation is maple syrup. Maple syrup was produced way before European settlers came to America. It holds cultural significance to many aboriginals and native American tribes. They viewed maple sap as a source of energy and nutrition.

Canada produces 30 liters of maple syrup a year, which leads to 80 percent of the world production. The maple leaf is Canada’s natural symbol which is featured on their flag. Maple syrup is graded by how much light passes through it. Make sure depending on the color that it’s not mixed with filler syrups like High Fructose, or Rice Syrup. Rice syrup is a common filler in honey.

Since maple is an unrefined natural sweetener, it contains higher levels of beneficial nutrients and antioxidants.

 Some health benefits are:

  • Rich in antioxidants properties, 65 to be exact, that can help delay or prevent diseases caused by free radicals such as cancer, or diabetes.
  • Protects against various cardiovascular disorders
  • Helps maintain a healthy heart
  • Aids in maintaining male reproductive health.
  • Boosts Immune system
  • Fights Inflammatory Diseases
  • May Help Protect Against Cancer
  • Helps Protect Skin Health

 In all plants, a sort of sugar is naturally present. Plants’ primary sugar is a product of photosynthesis that occurs when the sunshine comes into contact with the plant’s leaves. Sucrose is the most prevalent type of sugar found in maple syrup (at least 66 percent of the sugar in maple syrup must be sucrose in order for it to be considered pure).

Maple syrup is considered, by many, to be a “green choice.” This is due to the fact that a tree is not harmed when the sap is extracted. Keep in mind, the sap is the core ingredient, this is indeed a green choice. Maple syrup is quite popular in the vegan lifestyle. This choice has proven to be an excellent substitute for the ordinary sugar. Pure maple syrup has been called the complete and total “green choice.” Many individuals have named this is a green option. It ought to be noted, maple syrup does not harm the environment. This is a natural item.

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