Tag: flu

The Powers of Licorice Root

Licorice Root Benefits

Licorice root contains many anti-depressant compounds and is an excellent alternative to St. John’s Wort. As a herbal medicine, it has an impressive list of well-documented uses and is probably one of the most over-looked of all herbal wonders.

Hundreds of potentially healing substances have been identified in licorice as well, including compounds called flavonoids and various plant estrogens (phytoestrogens). The herb’s key therapeutic compound, glycyrrhizin (which is 50 times sweeter than sugar) exerts numerous beneficial effects on the body, making licorice a valuable herb for treating a host of ailments. It seems to prevent the breakdown of adrenal hormones such as cortisol (the body’s primary stress-fighting adrenal hormone), making these hormones more available to the body.

It has a well-documented reputation for healing ulcers. It can lower stomach acid levels, relieve heartburn and indigestion and acts as a mild laxative.

It can also be used for irritation, inflammation, and spasm in the digestive tract. Through its beneficial action on the liver, it increases bile flow and lowers cholesterol levels.

Boosts immune system

Licorice also appears to enhance immunity by boosting levels of interferon, a key immune system chemical that fights off attacking viruses. It also contains powerful antioxidants as well as certain phytoestrogens that can perform some of the functions of the body’s natural estrogens; very helpful during the menopause. Glycyrrhizinic acid also seems to stop the growth of many bacteria and of viruses such as influenza A.

Relieves pain and stress

It has an aspirin-like action and is helpful in relieving fevers and soothing pain such as headaches. Its anti-allergenic effect is very useful for hay fever, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis and bronchial asthma. Possibly by its action on the adrenal glands, licorice has the ability to improve resistance to stress. It should be thought of during times of both physical and emotional stress, after surgery or during convalescence, or when feeling tired and run down.

Control respiratory problems and sore throat

Licorice eases congestion and coughing by helping to loosen and thin mucus in airways; this makes a cough more “productive,” bringing up phlegm and other mucous bits. Licorice also helps to relax bronchial spasms. The herb also soothes soreness in the throat and fights viruses that cause respiratory illnesses and an overproduction of mucus, such as irritating coughs, asthma and chest infections.

Lessen symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia

By enhancing cortisol activity, glycyrrhizin helps to increase energy, ease stress and reduce the symptoms of ailments sensitive to cortisol levels, such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromylagia.

Combat hepatitis

Licorice both protects the liver and promotes healing in this vital organ. The herb’s anti-inflammatory properties help calm hepatitis-associated liver inflammation. Licorice also fights the virus commonly responsible for hepatitis and supplies valuable antioxidant compounds that help maintain the overall health of the liver.

Treat PMS and menstrual problems

The phytoestrogens in licorice have a mild estrogenic effect, making the herb potentially useful in easing certain symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome), such as irritability, bloating and breast tenderness. Although the glycyrrhizin in licorice actually inhibits the effect of the body’s own estrogens, the mild estrogenic effect produced by licorice’s phytoestrogens manages to override this inhibiting action.

Prevent heart disease

Recent studies have found that by limiting the damage from LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, licorice may discourage artery-clogging plaque formation and contribute to the healthy functioning of the heart. Research indicates that modest doses of licorice (100 mg a day) have this effect.

Latin Names

Glycyrrhiza glabra, Liquiritia Officinalis

Common Names

Chinese Licorice, Gan Cao, Kan-ts’ao, Kuo-lao, Licorice, Licorice Root, Ling-t’ung, Liquorice, Mei-ts’ao, Mi-kan, Mi-ts’ao, Sweet Licorice, Sweet Wood, Yasti Madhu


Anti-allergic, anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory, demulcent, emollient, estrogenic (mild), expectorant, laxative, pectoral (moderate), soothing

Indicated for

Addison’s disease, allergic rhinitis, arthritis, athlete’s foot, baldness, bronchitis, bursitis, canker sores, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, chronic fatigue, colds, colitis and intestinal infections, conjunctivitis, constipation, coughs, dandruff, depression, duodenal-ulcers, emphysema, exhaustion, fibromyalgia, flu, fungal infections, gastritis, gingivitis and tooth decay, gout, hay fever, heartburn, hepatitis, inflamed gallbladder, liver disease, Lyme disease, menopause, prostate enlargement, psoriasis, shingles, sore throat, spleen disorders, tendinitis, throat problems, tuberculosis, ulcers, viral infections, yeast infections. Reducing stomach acid and relieving heartburn and indigestion. Increasing bile flow and lowering cholesterol. Improving resistance to physical and emotional stress.

Do not confuse with licorice confectionery which contains very little, if any, licorice and is in fact flavored by anise.

Can cause water retention and raised blood pressure. Prolonged use should be avoided if you suffer from high blood pressure.

Can cause mild adrenal stimulation.

Feeling Crappy? Natural Remedies for Cold Seasons


Coming down with a cold is never fun, regardless of the virus, neither is taking medication. That’s why I compliled a small list of healthier remedies that don’t put so much strain on the body allowing the immune system to heal quicker. 


1. Ginger Tea with Honey + Lemon



This is my favorite remedy, my number 1 remedy. Boil the water with the chopped up ginger pices already in, makes a nice ginger water. You can also add Oregano oil  and Cayenne Pepper to improve this remedy. Ginger contains numerous other anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds beneficial to health such as gingerols, beta-carotene, capsaicin, caffeic acid, curcumin and salicylate. The added bonus of honey and lemon both improves the flavor and adds more immune-boosting goodness.


The Powers of Ginger


2. Oregano Oil



This one is different, and not so popular. It’s one worth having around the house. It’s best used as soon as you notice any symptoms to improve your immune system, sometimes, that cold won’t even develop at all. I personally only use it internally when I’m not feeling well, it should be diluted with water or mixed with coconut oil.  The one I use is this Plant Therapy Oregano (Origanum) Essential Oil, but you can also find it at your local health store. The dried herb oregano is typically fine for pregnant women but when using oil of oregano pregnant women should use caution and only use if instructed by a physician to do so.


Oregano Oil Powers


3. Astragulus



Astragalus is a Chinese herb that’s been used for centuries to strengthen the body’s internal systems, it specifically can help with colds and upper respiratory infections. 

Astragalus is available in a variety of forms at drugstores and natural food stores, coming in drops, ground into spice, and tablets — be sure to follow the dosage recommended on the bottle. The root (which can be boiled in tea and soup) may also be available in Chinese grocery stores, and might be combined with other plants like ligustrum and ginseng. I suggest taking it with a full glass of water, and drinking increased liquids while using the herb.


I’m currently using all three types. 

TablesNature’s Way Astragalus Root, 470 mg, 180 Vcaps

Liquid: Herb Pharm Certified Organic Astragalus Extract


4. Bee Pollen



Taking half a teaspoon of bee pollen with some warm water as soon as you wake up every morning will not only give your immune system a serious boost, but will also raise your energy levels. After taking it for just a few days, you’ll wake up with an unexpected spring in your step in the morning.


When it comes to supplements, natural doesn’t always mean safe.  Experts are warning that taking natural bee pollen supplements may come with the risk of suffering a serious allergic reaction, including life-threatening anaphylactic shock.It’s important to know how allergic you are to bees. 


If you’re looking to try this out I can recommend GREENBOW Organic Bee Pollen, its USDA certified organic.


Powers of Bee pollen

Oregano Oil Powers


Designed specifically for bacterial infections, antibiotics are medical doctors’ favorite tools against most issues that walk into their offices. But oregano oil benefits are proving to be superior to some antibiotics, without the harmful side effects. 


Unfortunately, the antibiotics prescribed by most medical doctors today have horrendous side effects including: causing antibiotic resistance, destroying good bacteria (probiotics), reducing vitamin absorption and damaging the digestive lining causing leaky gut.


Essentially, taking this broad-spectrum approach is similar to dropping a nuclear bomb on a city instead of sending a special ops sniper team to take out the few enemy targets.


The good news is there is an incredible natural alternative to prescription antibiotics and that is oregano oil (also called oil of oregano).  Oil of oregano contains two powerful compounds of carvacrol and thymol that have powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.



1. Protects Against Harmful Organisms


Due to consumption of impure water or other risky foods many harmful organisms enter our body.  Oregano is an effective cure-all that restricts these toxic invaders. Studies have shown that intake of approximately 600mg of this oil daily can lead to complete disappearance of harmful agents present in our body.


2. Protects Against Infection


Germs like salmonella and E.coli can cause adverse effects in our body. Natural oregano oil is a very effective tool against infection due to harmful germs. This is why this oil is used in the manufacturing of numerous medicines.


3. Helps In Digestion


Good digestion directly or indirectly aids in keeping us fit and healthy. This natural edible oil augments the digestive procedure of our body as it quickens the flow of bile in our digestive organs.


4. Fight Allergies


An effective and highly natural alternative to severe medication for allergies is oregano. The soothing characteristics of this oil generate a sedating effect on undesirable environmental sensitivities, thus making it an excellent choice for treatment of allergies.


5. Aids Weight Loss


This oil comprises of a weight reducing compound namely carvacrol. It is proven that this ingredient has the ability to reduce irritation in white adipose tissues which is fundamentally the major cause of development of excess fat in our body; thereby maintaining the weight of our body.


6. Combats Cold


This naturally produced oil is believed to be an indirect treatment for cold and cough. It forms a layer around our immune system and constricts the entry of harmful viruses and substances in our body.


7. Combats Ageing


We all know that aging is the outcome of free radicals and their oxidation. This oil is loaded with a huge amount of anti-oxidants that prevent the formation of free radicals, slowing down the process of aging.

8. Relaxes Muscles


9. Menstrual Aid


Irregular, uncomfortable periods and negative menopause effects are a big problem for many women; one of the best natural remedies is oregano oil. It may actually help support regular menstruation and protect against negative menopause experiences. For women, this is a substantial bonus to the already lengthy list of uses and effects of oregano oil.


10. Antiseptic


Oregano oil is also a prized antiseptic essential oil in aromatherapy because its proportion of phenols is said to be the highest of all aromatic plants. Aside from using the steam method to help relieve coughs and other respiratory illnesses, you can also use it to:

Ward off insects. Carvacrol in oregano oil works as a natural insect repellant. Try putting a few drops on outdoor furniture, or apply a diluted mixture on your skin when heading outdoors.

Relieve bug bites and rashes, including poison ivy rash. Apply oregano oil diluted with olive oil on the affected areas.



The Problem with Prescription Antibiotics 


Overuse of antibiotics, and prescribing broad-spectrum drugs when they aren’t needed, can cause a range of problems. It can make the drugs less effective against the bacteria they are intended to treat by fostering the growth of antibiotic-resistant infections. And it can wipe out the body’s good bacteria (probiotics), which help digest food, produce vitamins and protect from infections, among other functions.



Oregano Oil is More Than Just An Antibiotic


In a nutshell: Dozens of other studies confirm the fact that oregano oil can be used instead of harmful antibiotics for a number of health concerns. The rest of the research cited is supporting the fact that oregano is more than just an antibiotic. It’s the ultimate natural antibiotic!


It is known to keep popular drugs well-known to have dangerous side effects at bay


Researchers from the Netherlands have even shown that oregano oil can also “prevent bacterial overgrowth in the large intestine during oral iron therapy.” Used to treat iron deficiency anemia, oral iron therapy is well-known to cause a series of gastrointestinal issues like nausea, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn and vomiting.



Oil of Oregano Uses and Warnings


Does Oregano Oil have limits? At this point, it’s not perfectly clear. One thing that is certain, it’s highly potent, medicinal use should only be administered under the guidance of a natural health expert.


I personally only use it internally when I’m not feeling well, it should be diluted with water or mixed with coconut oil.  The one I use is this Plant Therapy Oregano (Origanum) Essential Oil, but you can also find it at your local health store. The dried herb oregano is typically fine for pregnant women but when using oil of oregano pregnant women should use caution and only use if instructed by a physician to do so.