Tag: flu

April 12, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

Licorice Root Benefits Licorice root contains many anti-depressant compounds and is an excellent alternative to St. John’s Wort. As a herbal medicine, it has an impressive list of well-documented uses and is probably one of the most over-looked of all herbal wonders. Hundreds of potentially healing substances have been identified in licorice as well, including…

February 12, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

  Coming down with a cold is never fun, regardless of the virus, neither is taking medication. That’s why I compliled a small list of healthier remedies that don’t put so much strain on the body allowing the immune system to heal quicker.    1. Ginger Tea with Honey + Lemon     This is my…

February 12, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

  Designed specifically for bacterial infections, antibiotics are medical doctors’ favorite tools against most issues that walk into their offices. But oregano oil benefits are proving to be superior to some antibiotics, without the harmful side effects.    Unfortunately, the antibiotics prescribed by most medical doctors today have horrendous side effects including: causing antibiotic resistance,…