Tag: sb17detroit

May 26, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

Experience the Power of Materials for a Sustainable World.  It’s an educational experience designed to support your corporation’s commitment to creating a sustainable world. It is an international travel science exhibition that will enable millions of people across the globe to explore ways in which advances in materials can lead to a more sustainable future….

May 25, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

FOOD SCRAPS TODAY, FERTILIZER TOMORROW Zera™ Food Recycler is designed to fit seamlessly into your kitchen and make the most of your food — turning today’s food scraps into tomorrow’s ready-to-use, homemade fertilizer THE AVERAGE FAMILY PRODUCES OVER 400 POUNDS OF FOOD WASTE PER YEAR.* That waste comprises roughly 20% of space in landfills, decomposing…

May 24, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

Today started early and ended early with a nice bottle of Cabernet and great weather. Here’s a recap of Day 2 I sat in on these 2 discussions: From a Golden Past to a Glorious Future: Reinventing Brands Inside and Out with Compelling New Visions   Michael ArenaGeneral Motors   Kimberly Kleiman-LeeGeneral Electric   Simon MainwaringWe First   Deanna…