Category: Sustainable Parents

February 20, 2018 Nerd 7 comments

  When it comes to personal hygiene save money and the environment with a Toilet Sprayer. There’s environmental, and personal health benefits from using water over toilet paper for personal hygiene. Every day the average American uses 60 sheets of toilet paper, and 800 million tons a year. Forests are being destroyed to keep up…

April 24, 2017 Nerd 1 comment

Nursing is such an intimate activity and healthy activity, but it’s more than just providing your baby with nourishment. It also involves cuddling and bonding with your baby. In my opinion, breastfeeding is equally as rewarding for the mom and baby, but others may disagree as it does come with sore nipples and leaking breast. Nursing…

February 18, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

When we say that cloth diapers are making a comeback, it might bring to mind images of soiled rags and safety pins. But these days, there’s a new breed of cloth diaper in town—non-toxic, organic, reusable—and Millennial parents are making these cloth diapers the new norm.   Now that Millennials are becoming parents, they’re putting…