Sustainable Brands Day Two #SBDetroit17

May 24, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

Today started early and ended early with a nice bottle of Cabernet and great weather.

Here’s a recap of Day 2

I sat in on these 2 discussions:

From a Golden Past to a Glorious Future: Reinventing Brands Inside and Out with Compelling New Visions

Michael Arena  Michael ArenaGeneral Motors

Kimberly Kleiman-Lee  Kimberly Kleiman-LeeGeneral Electric

Simon Mainwaring  Simon MainwaringWe First

Deanna Bratter  Deanna BratterDanoneWave


The Dawn of the Employee Activist: Insights and Tools for Managing the Workforce of the Future 

Sally Uren   Sally UrenForum for the Future

Francis Janes   Francis JanesInternational Living Future Institute

Sarah Endline   Sarah Endlinesweetriot

Tony Calandro   Tony CalandroPovaddo

Freya Williams   Freya WilliamsFuterra


Had a great lunch and tried to crawl through the activation hub as much as possible.  The activation Hub is filled with great ideas, inventions, passions, and motivations. While walking around here are a few companies I interviewed;


These guys repurpose 20,000 pounds of billboard wrapping a month to create one-of-a-kind products. 

Spoiler Alert

Spoiler Alert helps businesses connect, collaborate, track, and save on food. 


For more than half a century, Carlisle SynTec Systems has been a leader in energy-efficient and sustainable commercial single-ply roofing. With more than 15 billion square feet of its single-ply roofing materials sold, Carlisle continues to lead the roofing industry by providing its valued customers with superior products, services, and comprehensive building envelope solutions. 

Hemming House

Hemmings House Pictures is an award winning film production company that specializes in using a set of tools for positive social change-making. Founded by Greg Hemmings almost a decade ago, Hemmings House and its creative production teams have produced a broad scope of world-class, impactful media.


Shaw Industries Group, proper carpeting.

Innate Motion


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