Water is Life – Live Intelligent

March 22, 2018 Nerd 2 comments

One in 10 people around the world lack access to clean drinking water, yet the majority of US consumers are unaware of the extent of the global water crisis.

5/2013. A girl is drinking water from the water taps at her school in the Domiz refugee camp in Northern Iraq.

The Power of Clean Water, this documentary follows the lives of three women and their families, providing a first-hand perspective on the daily challenges of accessing clean drinking water. The film also demonstrates the positive impact P&G’s Purifier of Water packets have had on communities in Indonesia, Kenya, and Mexico.  In these countries, people struggle with finding clean water to drink. And without clean drinking water, it’s much harder to keep their children healthy, educated, and provide a better life for their families.

Finally, a global awareness of the water crisis is growing, but many consumers in the US are still unaware of how many people struggle with the daily reality of not having access to clean water. In 2014 I traveled to Kenya to help build a water system to support a school, garden. To my amazement, I returned a year later to a fully-grown garden. When I drove up to see the children enjoying their lunch, I instantly burst into tears, because it was at that moment that I saw the lives of others benefit from my hard work, and knew I couldn’t stop there.  

So about Water

About 60 percent of your body is made up of water. Drinking enough water helps maintain the body’s fluid balance, which helps transport nutrients in the body, digest food, regulate body temperature, and more.

The U.S. problem with Water:

Sadly, water is the second most popular beverage in the United States after soft drinks. TThis fact is scary considering sugary soda is a health hazard, upping the risk of stroke, obesity, heart, and other health problems. However, many diseases can be avoided if people choose to drink water. Water doesn’t have negative side effects except for consuming too much. It is possible to overdose on water and “drown internally”. So kick that sugary stuff habit to the side and make water your number one drinking choice. The benefits are endless. 

Controls calories: Simple, when you drink more water you become fuller and eat less. 

Muscle energy: When you sweat at the gym, you lose water. and when you lack water in the muscles they get tired quicker. Who wants tired muscles when they are trying to work out?

Clearer skin: Water flushes out toxins and reduces the onset of pimples. 

Fatigue buster:

Water can help you fight that tired feeling since a common symptom of dehydration is tiredness. Grab a glass of water when you feel sleepy. 

Hangover help:

Let’s face it, booze is poison, and your body hates it. As soon as you drink alcohol your body starts to dehydrate. removing the water and leaving the chemicals. The best way to avoid a hangover is to drink plenty of water while consuming alcohol and after.

Pain prevention:

A little water can really go a long way. Aching joints and muscle cramps and strains can all occur if the body is dehydrated.

Keep things flowing:

Nobody wants to deal with digestion issue, so drinking enough water adds fluids to the colon which helps make things, move smoother.

Sickness fighter:

Water may help with decongestion and dehydration, helping the body bounce back when feeling under the weather. Just beware—drinking fluids haven’t been scientifically proven to beat colds in one swoop, so don’t swap this for a trip to the doctor or other cold remedies.

Brain Boost:

A study in London found a link between students bringing water into an exam room and better grades, suggesting H2O promotes clearer thinking. While it’s unclear if drinking the water had anything to do with a better score, it doesn’t hurt to try it out!

Event: This is a Great Event Stella Artois put together: 


Social Media Initiative: Use the hashtag #7billionliters on twitter, facebook, or Instagram and Procter and Gamble will donate a liter of water to people who need it most!

2 Comments on “Water is Life – Live Intelligent

  1. I”ve been acquainted with H.A.L.T. for around 30 years now and realized it was inadequate for my needs during the first year. To better take care of myself I came up with H.A.L.T.E.D. and find it a significantly superior minimum self-check. H ungry A ngry L onely T ired E motional D ehydrated Angry and Lonely are the tip of the iceberg, and I need to give my Emotional condition a more comprehensive and Rigorously Honest look when doing a self-check. In the 4th step of my self-check I simply ask myself if I”m feeling Emotional (other than or in addition to Angry or Lonely). If I”m feeling Emotional I need to look at what I”m feeling, AND I need to double-check my physical condition. Feeling Emotional can be just that, AND/OR it can be a clue that I”m Hungry, Tired, Dehydrated, or Other and not feeling it normally. Studies show that many, many Americans are chronically dehydrated. Dehydration can present quite deceitfully as Hunger. A person who is Dehydrated and eats (thinking they”re Hungry) will very likely become more Dehydrated. Dehydration can radically affect a person”s mood, energy level, and other things. Dehydration can occur LONG before there is a thirst response, so I ask myself if I”ve had any water to drink in the last couple of hours. (I don”t count beverages other than plain, pure water.) If I haven”t had water in the allotted time, I get some. So – instead of saying H.A.L.T. I ask myself this question: Am I H.A.L.T.E.D.? And go from there. -ccs writers help

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