Why Every Woman Should do Handstands Daily

March 6, 2018 Nerd 6 comments

Headstand (Shirshasana) is often referred to as the king of all yoga poses. Here are some reasons why you should headstand daily.


1.Let’s start off with my favorite, duh, a free facelift. While upside down, The inverted position of a headstand also flushes fresh nutrients and oxygen to the face, creating a glowing effect on the skin. Being upside down allows nutrients and oxygen to rush to the face. Not only is this healthy, it makes the skin glow.

2.Headstands release anxiety and relax the mind. It puts more smiles on your face, because duh when your upside down you automatically have a smile. Seriously though, your depression will decrease as you create more positive thoughts thanks to your flushed and detoxified adrenal glands

3.Headstands increase blood flow and nutrients to the scalp, decreasing the onset of grey hair. Some professionals believe it actually reverses grey hair back to its natural color.

4.Headstands give your heart a boost in circulation and make it easier to send blood up to the brain. De-oxygenated blood is able to flow easily from the extremities back to the heart

5.Headstands provide refreshed blood to the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. These are vital ass glands, they are like the masters that regulate all other glands in the body (thyroid, adrenals, and pineal). This includes our sex hormones, so expect hotter sexcapades with a consistent headstand practice.

6.People who have varicose veins will like the fact that being upside down drains the fluid that was retained in the feet.

7.Besides its healing power, headstands build on core strength. In order to stay upside down for a length of time, you will need a massive amount of strength in your upper back, arms, and shoulders. To accomplish a still headstand the practitioner must engage the transverse abdominus, the obliques, and the rectus abdominus. A tip to really strengthen the core would be to pike the legs at the same time when coming in and out of the pose.

8.Since headstands send more oxygenated blood to the brain, it eliminates your chances of having an ischemic stroke.

9.Helps to cure insomnia naturally.

10.Headstands increase memory improves mental balance and concentration. 



1.Headstands can be contraindicative if you have neck injuries, extremely high blood pressure, ear and eye problems, if you are menstruating, or have acid reflux.

2.Headstands improve your balance, besides strength. You need good balance to be able to hold yourself up. Freestanding headstands require you to have superior strength. Especially so you can transition poses.

3.Just do it, start building handstands into your everyday routine, even if you’re not ready for 5 mins, start slowly with 1 minute, go up by a minute every 5 days. Not only is this healthy physically, and mentally, it comes with killer bragging rights, and you earned them.

Shirshasana Steps

  1. Sit on knees like and interlock the fingers of both hands and place them in front on the yoga mat.
  2. Slowly place your head into the hollow of palms. be careful not to put any pressure on your skull. 
  3. Slowly lift your both legs towards upwards and keep it straight. Ask a friend or find a wall for help.
  4. The body should be in a straight line from down to up.
  5. Breathe normally in this position for 15 to 20 seconds or more than that if you can.
  6. Now slowly release pose to come to starting position by lower down your legs (Bending Knees) one by one.
  7. Repeat this for 3-4 cycles.
  8. You can practice it for 1 minute to a maximum of 5 minutes in the beginning. After a good practice increase duration. 

Photo Credit: Th33BestICanBe

6 Comments on “Why Every Woman Should do Handstands Daily

  1. And lots of individuals have adrenal issues because of consuming too many processed food items, failing to get enough rest, and carrying out a poor work of controlling stress. Once the adrenal glands turn out to be consumed with stress, our bodies will start having a mechanical failure, as well as in order to hold off this course of action your thyroid gland will reduce the release of thyroid hormone, therefore causing the hypothyroid problem.

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