Category: Sustainable Lifestyle

August 16, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

After a trip to Africa, I discovered something interesting. It’s common for people in Africa to not use deodorant. Deodorant is more of a chemical luxury, meant to guard you against the smell of the breakdown of the bacteria caught in your pits from perspiration. If you keep your underarms clean and control your hair…

May 28, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

Another Brand to make an appearance at Sustainable Brands was this cool paper company from New Hampshire. Monadnock is a family owned an operated business with nearly 200 years in papermaking. They provide a diverse range of paper products including technical/specialty papers, premium printing, and packaging papers and melt blown non-woven media for leading brands worldwide. With a…

May 27, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

Women’s Wool Eva Dress – Style #161- $105 Clothing for a Good Life – Est 2009 I met a representative at the Sustainable Brands conference. I was hoping to chat with him and get some insight on their brand so I could have more to write about. Unfortunately, they shoved this card in my hand…

May 25, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

FOOD SCRAPS TODAY, FERTILIZER TOMORROW Zera™ Food Recycler is designed to fit seamlessly into your kitchen and make the most of your food — turning today’s food scraps into tomorrow’s ready-to-use, homemade fertilizer THE AVERAGE FAMILY PRODUCES OVER 400 POUNDS OF FOOD WASTE PER YEAR.* That waste comprises roughly 20% of space in landfills, decomposing…

April 24, 2017 Nerd 1 comment

Nursing is such an intimate activity and healthy activity, but it’s more than just providing your baby with nourishment. It also involves cuddling and bonding with your baby. In my opinion, breastfeeding is equally as rewarding for the mom and baby, but others may disagree as it does come with sore nipples and leaking breast. Nursing…

April 20, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

Both of my patellas are worn in my knees. Considering my doctor first discovered this at a younger age, I was too young for surgery so he suggested I swim and cycle more. A study conducted recently found that older patients with osteoarthritis and knee pain actually improved their condition when introduced to cycling. Keep your blood pressure…

April 17, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

Still, in the spirit from visiting Japan,  I put together a Haiku piece. Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme. Live Sus-tain-a-ble Col-lect mem-or-ries not things…

April 15, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

What if you only had 3 toiletries to use daily?   I ran across an interesting startup Akamai, ‘Who’s goal is to encourage people to wash less, which completely aligns with my zero-waste message. Like many topics, getting people to understand the importance of changing their habits for the better can be difficult, most prefer to stick with their…

April 11, 2017 Nerd No comments exist

Pets are an expensive responsibility, As a pet owner, you are responsible for their overall wellbeing. Why not solidify this by making sure your pet’s diet and the environment is as healthy as possible? Pets don’t create as much of an environmental challenge as humans. So, it makes more sense to address our own shortcomings…